It is important to us to give something back. That is why we have decided to support a charity foundation for each collection drop.
For our first collection, we chose to support Muso Ka Yele, a Franco-Burkinabe international solidarity association, whose objective is to provide women from rural communities in Bobo Dioulasso region of Burkina Faso, West Africa, an assistance relating to both their basic needs and their autonomy. More specifically, the association finances training in agro-ecology, economics and family planning.
As the mother of co-founder Léa Hustin is an artist working and living among this community in this region of Burkina Faso, it was very dear to our heart to encourage and help this organisation.
We have decided to do so by producing the Lésaya Market bags. All bags have been hand-made in Burkina Faso with leftover fabrics from markets and households.
Making women aware of their potential, giving them confidence and participating in the reduction of inequalities between men and women are the charity’s targets.
As women, we are very aware of the sensitivity of that subject. Encouraging women, specially in remote regions where personal development is slowed down by the weight of traditions, is an on-going battle which Lésaya wanted to be part of.
For each bag, 35% of the profit will go towards Muso Ka Yele.
If the customer buys a complete set, one will receive a free bag and Lésaya commits to donate 100% of the profit they would have made towards the organisation.